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 © Sputnik Oy 2002


CinemaSense is study material on film production, including links, articles and video clips as well as picture samples.

CinemaSense can be used in two ways: via the map in the study material page or using word search or the index on the word search page.

The service is divided into different parts: introductions are brief presentations, the articles contain deeper insights into film production and the links contain references outside of the service.

Study Material

Using the map on this page you can familiarize yourself with the concepts of film production. The map consists of two levels: clicking the header brings you to the corresponding terms.

The introductions explain briefly the terminology of film production. If there is a corresponding picture or video, you can choose it through the link on the top of the page.

Word Search

Besides text search, the word search also includes an index, where you can find all of the information in the service according to the topics. From this list you have also access to corresponding links.

Information on the studies

This page presents the background of the CinemaSense project and the related distance learning instruction.

How to Learn?


© Karri Laitinen-Antti Raike-Timo Viikari

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