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"A boy meets a girl"

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A general term for a story presented in the form of a play or film, imitating human action.

Thus drama covers a limited period of the subject it depicts. Drama is a way of presenting plot elements and relationships in action and according to a specific structure. In a drama the scenes follow each another in a logical order. Traditionally drama should have a beginning, middle and the end. This basic structure can be freely varied.

The structural basics of drama were born in ancient Greece and they were put together by Aristotle in his work "Poetics". The Aristotelian theory on the structure of drama is still working in modern day films.

Cf. Epic structure, epoch.


Dramatic action: A theater-based paradigm for analyzing human interactions
[Dramatic action: A theater-based paradigm for analyzing human interactions. (apa.org)]

Key Terms for analysing a play as a performance text.
[Performance writing: Analysing play scripts - BBC Bitesize]

David Siegel: The Nine-Act Structure Home Page. [Website Review (fmwriters.com)]


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