development of the versatile DVD format (Digital Versatile
Disc) was started in 1993, when Toshiba and Time Warner started
developing recording technology compatible with CDs. The first
DVD standard was born in 1996 but part of the standard remains
still, in 2001, undefined.
Compared to the VHS system DVD has advantages:
- The
greatest advantage as far as the film is concerned is the
quality of the picture: it is sharp, clear and the colors
are bright (the picture quality is about 200 % better than
that of a VHS tape).
- The
film format.
Television uses a square-like 4:3 format while the films
have a broader format.
a film is transferred onto video, there are two options:
changing the picture into a 4:3 TV format. This is called
cropping. It changes the picture and changes essentially
the composition
intended by the filmmakers.
transferring the picture as it is, which leaves a considerable
part of the TV screen black (the bars below and above the