is a critique on a film. Review is not only stating opinions,
it is a well-founded personal view of the film. It should
ideally be based on independent thinking and knowledge on
the ways of expression and traditions used in films. The importance
of knowledge and expertise are emphasized in a review: without
knowledge there is no well-founded criticism.
criticism is interactivity between the author and the critic.
Mere observation of invalid arguments and finding faults in
the film are not enough and do not develop film culture; one
must be able to present alternative solutions.
and self-criticism are important in critique. One has to acknowledge
one's own desires and values and only then categorize films
by their value. It is, of course, worth deep reasoning to
ask oneself, whether it can even be possible to place films
in order, as far as criticism is concerned.
reviewing of films can also be understood as a form of logic,
attempting to approach the "faults" presented in
a viewer's everyday thinking. A viewer enjoying the film does
not need to pay attention to the richness, haziness, creativity,
ambiguousness and symbolism of the language and ways of expression
of the film he or she is watching. The viewer is satisfied
with the experience and pleasure. It is up to the critic to
trace the logical reasons for this pleasure (or the lack of
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British movie review and filmmaking website.