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Storyboard | Production Houses | Financiers | Studios



Juha Vanhanen: [https://www.aalto.fi/en/aalto-media-lab/touch/touchstoryboard.html]
Storyboard drafts for the Touch.

Famous Frames, Inc.[www.famousframes.com]
"Represents a wide variety of artists who specialize in storyboards, comps, animatics and illustrations for advertising, film, television and multimedia projects."

Illustrator Ulrich Zeidler [www.ulrichzeidler.com]

Josh Sheppard's Storyboard site [www.thestoryboardartist.com]
"This site showcases my storyboard work in Television Commercials, Films, and Music Videos. There is alot of artwork here, and I update frequently with new work, so please click below to see my samples. I am based in the Los Angeles area, but I now work for clients all over North America, Japan and Europe, via the Internet"


Blindspot [www.blindspot.fi]

Matila & Röhr Productions oy [www.matilarohr.com]
The Ambush, Return to Plainlands, Underwater Iceland, Lapin poika etc.

Solar Films oy [www.solarfilms.com]
Loma, Tough Ones, The Restless etc.


The Promotion Centre for Audiovisual Cultur AVEK [www.kopiosto.fi/avek/english/engldex.htm]
"AVEK was established in 1987 by the joint Finnish copyright organization Kopiosto to promote cinema, video and television culture."

Finnish Film Foundation [www.ses.fi]

Finnish Broadcasting Company [yle.fi/news]


Walt Disney Company [www.disney.go.com/StudioOperations/Welcome.html]

Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc. [www.spe.sony.com]

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc. [www.mgm.com]

Paramount Pictures Corporation. [www.paramount.com]

Twentieth Century Fox Film Corp. [www.foxmovies.com/index1.html]

Universal Studios Inc. [www.universalstudios.com]

Warner Bros. [www.warnerbros.com/pages/main/index.jsp]