film productions the cinematographer is the director's
closest co-worker, who plans the shooting together with the
director and (in Finland) in most cases also uses the camera
In Finland the cinematographer is assisted by camera
assistant, lighting crew and grips. In Finland camera
operators are rare, while in the US they are normally used.
In Hollywood productions the cinematographer supervises everything
having to do with the camera and the lighting. He is responsible
for the lighting of the scene, and, together with the director,
constructing the shots. In big productions he does not operate
the camera himself - that is left to the cameraman
(Cf. Director of Photography, DP, DOP).
Suomen Elokuvaajien yhdistys F.S.C ry: Elokuvaajan toimenkuva
F.S.C [Finnish Society of Cinematoraphers (]
American Society of Cinematographers []