structure of a film, the presentation phase begins after
a short start-up sequence and it is a part of the first act.
The object of the presentation is to familiarize the viewer
to the
characters and scenes
of the film.
most important thing is identifying with the
protagonist and his or her goals, which makes the story
of the film more intimate.
the presentation is a rather difficult phase, since you need
to present the required background information dramatically
before you can start the actual story (adventure). You have
to tell what is absolutely required - but that's it!
to the Swedish film dramaturgist Ola Olsson, the drama structure
of a fiction film has six parts:
- start-up sequence
- presentation
- amplifying
- culmination of conflicts (acceleration)
- resolution
- fade out
Olsson's division and Freytag's
curve on the left.
Master Class [What Is Exposition in Film? How to Write Exposition in 7 Easy Steps - 2023 - MasterClass]
No Film School [How to Write the Best Exposition In Your Script (]