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Screenplay (basics) | Movie Scripts | Tales

The Dynamics and Components of Dramatic Action [www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/at2y/

Key Terms for analysing a play as a performance text [www.chass.utoronto.ca/~cpercy/courses/220KeyTermsDefinitions]

The Internet Movie Database [www.imdb.org]
"Search the database for" and "Plots".


Drew's Script-O-Rama [http://www.script-o-rama.com/]
"Click on the film title and the full text of the script comes up."

Scripts by SGA [www.wga.org]

The Scripts of Star Wars.

Aleksi Bardy: The Restless (2000).

Aleksi Bardy: Tough Ones (1998). [www.solarfilms.com]

Joona Tena: Saattajat (1996). [www.cinergia.com/Saatscript.htm]

Venla Mäkelä: Lomalla (2000).


A Europe of Tales [www.europeoftales.net]