The hero and the protagonist are often confused, but in fact a hero is a type of protagonist.
All stories must have a protagonist, but not all stories need a hero. Thus, the hero can
be the
protagonist of the film but these are often two separate
On the other hand, in some cases as in old fairytales and
legends, the main character is called the hero or heroine.
In these stories the
hero is at first small and humble, and certainly does
not believe in his chances of being a hero. An example of
this would be King Arthur.
In a film the protagonist can be distinguished from the hero
by the fact that the protagonist develops further while the
hero doesn't. The hero is always strong, skillful and strong-minded.
Leia of the Star Wars is a skillful and confident heroine
with a pure heart, openly wanting from the very beginning
different things than the
antagonist Darth Vader.
King Arthur - and The Knights of The Round Table []
Wars. []
Britannica [Hero | Definition, History, & Facts | Britannica]
Master Class [What’s the Difference Between a Main Character, Protagonist, and Hero? - 2023 - MasterClass]