The content of the film means the skill of setting the limits. The
film emphasizes that which is essential in the
story, and it ensures that the viewer understands the crucial
content. The crucial content can also be called the message
of the film.
Saarela's "Ambush" ("Rukajärven tie")
does not tell everything about the Continuation War, but outlining
the content a lot can be told about the war, about love and
human suffering.
Joona Tena's "Escort" ("Saattajat") defines
its content into a sniper's and a little girl's journey in
the midst of the war.
Saarela: The Ambush (Rukajärven tie)
Tena: The Escort (Saattajat) []
Wikipedia [Form and content - Wikipedia]
Vox [Content warnings: How to let viewers know about troubling stuff - Vox]
Wikipedia [Motion picture content rating system - Wikipedia]