synopsis is a summary of the contents of the film. It is a
kind of sketch: a paper that reveals the contents and form
of the film or program. The reader can also get an idea of
the film's approach and style. Usually the synopsis is followed
by a treatment.
of all, the purpose of the synopsis is to sum up the series
of events, the
story. The synopsis of a drama is a summary of the
function of the film. Further, the synopsis can tell about
the characters and the crucial conflict.
synopsis does not present visual or otherwise detailed solutions.
They would only restrict the following writing process. A
synopsis is important to the financier, the producer, the
actual work group and the scriptwriter himself.
synopsis is a good phase in screenwriting, since the entity
is not yet covered up with details. The crucial idea,
the fundamental conflict and the
structure can be clearly identified.
Suhonen - Hannu Tuomainen: Poika
ja Ilves -synopsis.
Studio Binder [How to Write a Movie Synopsis that Sells [FREE Movie Synopsis Template] (studiobinder.com)]
NFI [Movie Synopsis: Everything You Need to Know - NFI]