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Sound designer gives instructions to boom operator.

 Sound designer creates the soundscape.
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Sound recording

Recording sound analogically or digitally. The film sound is usually compiled of the following elements that support the visual expression, and they are usually recorded in this order:

The sound recorded at the shooting, or the 100% sound, usually containing the actors' speech or dialogue and the background noises.

1. Effects, such as

  • Singular sounds (for example, steps on gravel)
  • Atmosphere or acoustics - the silence on the set.

2. Music.


Pro Audio Files [A Guide to the Different Roles in Audio Post-Production — Pro Audio Files (theproaudiofiles.com)]

Film Sound Design [www.filmsound.org], [filmsound.studienet.org]

The Cinema Audio Society [https://cinemaaudiosociety.org/]

The Recording Arts Forum [https://gearspace.com/]

Videomaker [A comprehensive guide to audio roles in filmmaking - Videomaker]


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